Artikelnummer: ES-0016
EQUES PERFORMANCE – Ein Sattel für eine Präsentation auf höchstem Niveau designt von Rasmus Møller Jensen
- Mittel tiefer und ausbalancierter Sitz mit engem Kontakt zum Pferd
- Kurze Kniepauschen in Soft Foam unterstützen die natürliche Aufrichtung des Reiters
- B-Baum
- Austauschbares Kopfeisen – Kopfeisen A
- Hergestellt mit Kalbsleder in Topqualität
- Inklusive Sattelschoner
Größen: 16,5″, 17″ og 17,5″
(16″ und 18″ als Spezialanfertigung)
Sattelkissen: Latex oder Wolle
Pflege: Sattel mit Black Edition Clean reinigen und danach mit Black Edition Care fetten
Seit Juli 2022 steht Euch im Umkreis von 100 km von 40764 Langenfeld die Sattlerin unseres Vertrauens: Michèle Pohlmann für Sattelanpassungen, Sattelkontrollen und Lederreparaturen aller Art zur Verfügung.
Kontaktiert sie gerne:
Reitsportsattlerei MiLeder
0176 32654016
Für einen Beratungstermin mit der Möglichkeit verschiedene Sättel von EQUES und TOP REITER Probe zu reiten inklusive fachmännischer Beratung fallen folgende Kosten für Euch an: 90€ plus 1 € / gefahrenem Kilometer Anfahrtsgebühr.
I have designed a saddle that promotes the relaxed seat, which in my opinion is essential to successful balancing of horse and rider. Harmonised balancing of both horse and rider are 2 things that must add up in order to reach the high-level performance.
Performance is the first model built on the B-tree. A saddle tree that I personally developed to combine the best of several worlds, that is the forward pointing position of the gullet which provides freedom of movement for the shoulders of the horse; the wide channel which provides freedom of movement for the muscles surrounding the spinal column of the horse; and finally, the angle of the bars which provides a remarkably close contact to the horse.
The close contact provided by this saddle is ideal in situations where you need to show the horse from its best side e.g., at competitions or breeding shows. The short knee pad acts mostly as a thigh support and thus ensures that there is room for all types of legs. The rider is highly supported in this saddle, so my recommendation is to go one size up if you are usually in-between sizes.
I kept the saddle in a discrete and classic design in order to prevent the saddle from drawing the attention away from the good and harmonious performance.
In summary, Performance is intended for competition. But naturally it is also the ideal all-round saddle for the riders that prefer close contact to the horse.
– Rasmus Møller Jensen
EQUES PERFORMACE – A saddle designed for high-level performance by Rasmus Møller Jensen
- Medium deep and balanced seat with close contact to the horse.
- Short kneepads in Soft Foam contributes to a balanced position in the seat
- B-tree
- Changeable gullet –Gullet A
- Made from high quality calf leather
- Saddle cover included
Sizes: 16,5″, 17″ and 17,5″
(16″ and 18″ by special order)
Panels: Latex or wool
Care instructions: Rinse off the saddle with Black Edition Clean and treat with Black Edition Care afterwards